
Gnome Mines- Best Blockchain Game

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Gnome Mines- Best Blockchain Game

Gnome Mines .GMINES

is a BEP-20 Token. GMINES, which is built on BSC Binance Smart Chain, is the main money in the game, allowing token holders to play, trade, and invest in Gminers gnomes, among other things.


A completely automated game for your enjoyment. Choose the Gnomes who will head to the mines to earn money. You will get Gmines tokens as a reward for your efforts.


Come and have fun in a tavern ambiance where your gnomes drink nice beer and quality whiskey; the tavern has the function of storing the gnome and charging energy.


After night of drinking, some rebellious gnomes create a conflict of interest, and things spiral out of control, resulting in fighting within the taverns.


The MOBARACK forest was recently invaded by a large Golem invasion, but fear not, your gnomes will attempt to protect this enigmatic land. The bravest among you will be rewarded with the Golem’s defeat. There are several traps in the MOBARACK forest; perhaps you might find one of the missing gnomes there.

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Gnome Mines- Best Blockchain Game

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