
Bourbon-n-Blockchain – NFT Game

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Bourbon-n-Blockchain – NFT Game

Bourbon-n-Blockchain is an NFT As A Service Protocol Club, that intends to create and maintain an NFT asset protocol that is dedicated to strengthening Blockchain technology. BnBS will be developing a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) that tokenizes the club membership to BnBS. The purpose of the NFT is to allow club members to purchase and sell their membership to the club, verify club membership/ownership, provide club members access to the BnBS Products & Services, participate in club member voting, and claim club member rewards. This type of NFT is commonly referred to as as Utility based NFT.

BnBS will be creating a total of 10,000 NFTs for club member access. An initial protocol funding involving 300 NFTs will be minted during the bootstrapping round. (This round is fulfilled and closed)

The remaining 9,700 NFTs will be sold at an initial minting price of $450-$525.00 per NFT. There will never be more than 10,000 BnBS NFTs.

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Bourbon-n-Blockchain – NFT Game

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