
BinaryX – Best Play To Earn Game

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BinaryX – Best Play To Earn Game

BinaryX is a crypto game platform listed on Binance and Currently, BinaryX is running a game called CyberDragon which we have developed from scratch ( BinaryX is a large on-chain online game platform on BNB Chain. As of November 2021, there were more than 100k addresses held on the chain, a total supply of 21 million tokens, and a current circulating market cap of $540 million. CyberDragon is currently one of the most popular P2E (Play-to-Earn) game globally with huge returns for most of our loyal players. The gameplay includes Mining, PVP, PVE and we have just only recently launched our Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) system. BinaryX is the first game globally to launch DAO, where players have the power to vote and decide the future path and developments of the game.

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BinaryX – Best Play To Earn Game

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